3FitPro Marketing Strategies that Will Rapidly Increase Credibility, BoostExposure, Bring in Leads, Accelerate Conversion and Produce Massive Profits Online….Like You’ve Never Done Before!
IntroducingTheClient Attractor Convertor Trifecta!
Learn the Secrets to Ignite your Sales and Get More Clients EASILY and FAST using Webinars that Actually Convert, Getting Free Media and Publicity to Increase Credibility and Using Specific Social Media Channels to gain thousands of leads, for free.
- The Ultimate FitPro Client Attractor Convertor Trifecta – Little-Known and Used Secrets to Rapidly Attract, Convert, and Massively Profit as a Personal Trainer Using Webinars and Free Publicity to Rapidly Convert and Build Authority!
- Learn the Secrets to Get More leads, Convert them and Boost your Income, Fast!
- Gain 1000 new clients Fast AND Easily Convert them With Media Coverage and Webinars!
- Specifically Learn FitProWebinar Creation for Conversion, Free Publicity Exposure for Credibility and Specific Social Media Channels for a Free Lead Generating Strategy.
Attention Personal Trainers (online and offline) and Fitness Professionals! Do you want to know….

“HOW TO Get New Clients Easily and Fast Without Busting Your Butt,
Having to Sell over the Phone, Deal with Frustrating and Costly Facebook Ads or
Run Time-Consuming and Low-Reward Facebook Challenges?”
Introducing the ‘Client Attractor Convertor Trifecta’ –
Little-Known Secrets to Rapidly Attract, Convert, and Massively Profit in the Fitness Industry!
This is the Only PROVEN System on the Market to Help PT’s and FitPro’s rapidly gain and convert new clients using a Trifecta of SUPERSTAR Strategies - Webinars, Getting Free Media/Publicity and Using LinkedIn and Instagram.
Would You Like To Be Featured in Multiple Magazines,
Blogs, and Even Appear On Television?
These Strategies Work Like Crazy!

Learn the Secrets to Ignite your Sales and Get More Clients EASILY andFAST using Webinars that Actually Convert, Free Media and Publicity to Increase Credibility and Specific Social Media Channels to gain thousands of leads, for free.
- Forget having to pick up the phone and hard sellto clients.
- Forget having to create and run time-consuming and low-rewarding Facebook Challenges / Groups to try and sell your Online PT Programs.
- Forget needing a large email list to market and sell to.
- Forget dealing with the frustrating world of Facebook Advertising to get new leads.
- Forget ever needing to do a ‘hard sell’ ever again, or hearing the words; “Let me think about it. I will get back to you”, only to never hear from potential clients ever again!
- Forget needing to be tech savvy, or building out a complicated sales funnel to try and sell your PT programs and services.
Are you MISSING these in your Business?
If you’re a Personal Trainer or FitPro that is selling Online Training Programs and Services, Selling Face-To-Face Training, Selling Products or Coaching, then you DEFINTIELY need to consider adding Webinars, Publicity and Specific Social Media Channelsto yourMarketing Arsenal to STOP having a Mediocre Fitness Business!
The 3 Essential Things You Need
To Make 6 Figures Online as a FitPro…

1. Free Media Coverage
Build your Credibility INSTANTLY once you know how to gain Free Media Coverage, Publicity (PR) and by becoming a featured or regular Columnist or Writer for high profile magazines, blogs and outlets.
Learn how to not only get Free Media Coverage/PR, but also learn the ‘Must-Do’ Steps to Ensure You Gain the Maximum Amount of Leads from the Coverage and Then Actually Convert Them into Money in Your Pocket.
Annihilate your Competition by being seen as an INSTANT Expert for your Niche from Media Coverage and Publicity. You’ll easily become the #1 choice to clients!
Learn from someone who has over 12 years of experience as a FitPro in getting Free Coverage and Publicity – what to do and what not to do.

2. Create Profitable FitPro Webinars
Do you want to know how to Get New Clients Easily and Fast Without Having to Deal with Frustrating Facebook Ads or Hard Sell to Clients Ever Again?
Forget having to pick up the phone and ‘sell’ to potential clients.
Let your Webinar do the work for you 24/7!
Learn how to Create Live and Automated Webinars that People Actually Want to Watch.
Learn what to say, when to say it, when to sell, and how to actually lay out your Webinar.
This System has been designed by a Personal Trainer, for Personal Trainers.
With my Degree in Psychology, I have incorporated all the Persuasion techniques I use Successfully in my own Webinars to Sell Weight Loss and Fitness Programs.
Webinars done the ‘Right Way’ can absolutely bring in an influx of new clients, and get you closer to making $10,000 per MONTH.
You MUST create and use Webinars if you wish to make $$ Six - Figures / Year.
Let it go to work for you 24/7, soft-sell to your clients and help you eliminate other time-consuming, low value conversion tactics.

3. Use LinkedIn & Instagram
LinkedIn is unfortunately assumed just as ajob seeking and networking site only.
Not so!
Discover How to Leverage the Awesome Power of LinkedIn and Instagram to Get More PT Leads, Clients & Referral’s For Your Fitness Business.
Learn how to generate over 1000, YES; that’s ONE THOUSAND New leads per month for your niche…. for FREE!
This is a PROVEN Strategy and Can Work For You too.
Learn how to use these often-overlooked Social Media Channels to Showcase your Skills and Get At Least 1000 new and highly targeted leads for your PT business each month.
It Will Change Your Business Forever.
Use Proven and Tested Strategies to collect Leads and Rapidly Grow your Business, taking you Closer to making $$ 6- Figures.
If You’re Missing 1 Or 2 Of These Strategies…
This Is What You’ll See Most Days…

If You’re Missing 1 Or 2 Of These Strategies…
This Is What You’ll See Most Days…
The Great News is, We Can Give You an Easy-to-Use System that
Teaches You Specifically How to Use all 3 of These Strategies in Your Own FitPro Business…..

What if you didn’t have to worry about traffic and could get all the viral traffic you ever wanted with just a few clicks of your mouse? Do you think you could get some leads or make a sale...
Imagine being able to have instant trust and authority within minutes…
No waiting weeks, months, or even years to build… INSTANT.
3 Simple Steps To Make Money
With The ‘Client Attractor Convertor Trifecta’Today…


Get Free Media Exposure and Publicity for your Business to Get Leads and Immediately Gain Credibility, Trust and Expert Status

Create Profitable FitPro Webinars in Just Hours, That Attract Leads, Educates and Rapidly Converts to Sales.
No Hard Sell Required!

Gain 1000 New Leads in Your Niche Using Proven, Specific and FREE Strategies on LinkedIn and Instagram to Rapidly Accelerate Your Business
When You Use Client
Attractor Convertor Trifecta…

Your Credibilityand Expert Status Will Skyrocket – Making you the #1 Choice in the Market Place

You Will Have Immediate Authority and Trust

Create Webinars That Sell For You 24/7, Regardless of What You Are Doing!

Your Income Will Go Up

Your Traffic Will Rapidly Grow and Compound

Client Attractor Convertor Trifecta

Creating FitPro Webinars that
Attract, Convert and Sell
Now, I’m not just talking about just ANY old webinars, but Webinars Created and Marketed the RIGHT way (Module #2 of Trifecta System) so you get eyeballs actually viewing them, to then actually convert clients to your Personal Training Programs and Services.
You’ve seen them; webinar ads popping up in your newsfeed, or emails to register for anupcoming webinar on certain topics.
You’ve probably watched quite a few of them yourself and gained loads of value, leading to you to even possibly buy what was being sold.
Have you ever thought about running webinars yourself?
- Maybe they look a bit daunting to put together.
- Maybe you loathe adding another ‘Must-Do’ to your already mile-long ‘to-do’ list, thinking it will take you weeks to create, set up and actually run.
- Maybe you think you need quite a bit of technical skills to pull it all together.
- Maybe you wonder who will watch your webinar and if it will to be worth even doing!
- Maybe you’re wondering if running Webinars in your Personal Training Business will actually bring you new clients, be that for your Face-to-Face training or Online Programs and Services.
Well, don’t wonder anymore.
Let me show you a shortcut so you can start creating and profiting from your own Webinars in literally days!

"Hey, I’m Nalisha Patel. I have been a Personal Trainer since 2004, so I’ve been in the industry for well over 12 years now.
I’ve been through all the ups and downs you can imagine, most likely some you are going through now!
I started out as a Mobile Personal Trainer, training women in their own homes. It was tough and slow going to begin with. It was hard to get clients that understood that they could get impressive results without going to the gym.
Remember, this was back in 2004.Business slowly picked up as I was forced to think of and carry out novel and creative ways to get clients."
Nalisha Patel
Mobile Personal Trainer
In 2006 though, my business grew massively and rapidly.
It basically exploded, seemingly overnight!
This was all due to a BIG Media feature in a glossy, nationwide magazine (Module #1 of the Trifecta)
This Free Publicity exposure literally changed my business (and life) overnight.
I went from a handful of clients, to getting over 180 new clients within a very short space of time.
If you’re picturing the chaos of this type of situation, then you are spot on!
It was a stressful, yet exciting time.
Due to the influx of clients from across the country, I was literally FORCED to move my business from just a local based training service, to a nationwide Online Program so I could serve and cater to women from all over the country.
This is well, well, well, before what the industry looks like now!
There were literally NO other ‘online personal trainers’ at the time.
I kid you not.
In New Zealand, my native country, I was literally the only trainer running Online Programs at the time.
There was a need, and I needed to step up, get hustling and figure out how to grow this weird and new area called, ‘online training’.
I had a massive and VERY steep learning curve ahead of me to say the least, and no one to look to for advice.
How is the world was I going to get eyeballs on my website and get people to buy my Online Weight-loss Programs?
This was the million-dollar question!
Due to the massive surge in clients, my hubby, Janak, who was working in his own business at the time, decided to jump aboard the business and help me out.
We immersed ourselves in all things marketing, online marketing, selling, and also systems to help manage all the chaos.
We haven’t looked back since.
After dealing with how to continually market online and offline after the magazine feature buzz had died down, we then needed to manage the chaotic world of handling new clients and allocating them to our rapidly growing base of contracted trainers who we hired to train our new clients.
In addition to local Personal Training services, we then had to continually get creative to market our Online Programs across the country.
SEO was big at the time.
There was no Facebook, Twitter or Instagram at the time, so Advertising on these platforms were not even a possibility!
Side note – how sweet do we have it now?! We have so many ways in which to market online now to reach people.
If you think you have it tough now in getting new clients, just imagine the challenges in being ‘Online’ back then!
There was Paid Advertising on blogs and Google AdWords though.
These avenues brought in a small number of clients.
It was chicken feed really, though.
Our business growth was slowing down.
Our income was drying up after the initial surge.
I really had to get creative and think about how I could leverage something to bring in a massive number of clients…again.
And with something more sustainable than relying on just one Media Plug.
I didn’t want to gain just 1-2 new clients every week or so. Are you the Same?
BORING and uninspiring, right!
I wanted MORE clients FAST and I wanted a TON of them…ASAP!
My goal of being a Multi-Millionaire by the age of 30 years old was front and center, and I knew that my current mode of running the business was not going to get me to this goal.
Something had to change.
I’m sure you’ve experienced this in your own business, in your own way.
Have you ever sat back after a challenging time and wondered how you are going to meet your expenses?
Or have you ever thought about how you could rapidly grow your business so you can break free of just covering your costs?
I wanted more from my business, as I am sure you do from yours.
I gave it so much. It was time it rewarded me for all the stress, sleepless nights, tears and chaos!
Don’t you also hate how much effort you put into your business, only to have it barely reward you?
Don’t you hate the continual stress of having to get more clients, then train the new clients, all while looking for even more clients, just to hopefully see the oh-so-desired surge in income?
Do you get frustrated at how slow going it can be to get new clients?
How you need to put in loads of work, and just maybe, maybe get a few new clients?
Have you dreamed of having a business that actually grows year in and year out?
Imagine hitting the goal of making $10,000 per month from your PT business…
Imagine all the awesome things you could do with $10,000 per month coming in!
I wanted so desperately to reach this significant milestone of $10,000 per month in business.
But I didn’t want to just make it for one month and then make bugger all the following months.
I wanted to make it CONSISTENTLY.
Well, it took a bit of time, but I finally hit the $10,000 per month Milestone….and, better yet,
I made this consistently month after month.
This figure rose…and rose….and rose.
All based on how much I applied the marketing and selling knowledge I was fanatically learning.
I want you to experience the same results.
I needed to CHANGE and IMPLEMENT NEW things into the business to see this growth.
Maybe this is where you are at in your own business right now.
Are you wanting to experience real change in your business this year?
Are you frustrated that some of the things you’ve done in the past haven’t given you the results you thought they would?
I was taught that you should market for more clients. That this was what business was all about.
Boy; this advice couldn’t be more LETHAL to your business!
If it wasn’t for the so-called Guru’s touting this as the key to business growth, I would have discovered the following RAPID-FIRE strategies much sooner.
If they can work for me, then I know they will work for you.
As a fellow Personal Trainer, you are in the ideal position to shortcut your path to success by learning from all my mistakes.
These are the NON-CONVENTIONAL things that Made Us Finally Reach $10,000 / Month after Month:
- Leveraged my Message of training Women in their Homes to a wider market, which easily and effortlessly rapidly boosted my income.
- Established myself as the Expert in my niche to immediately Eliminate the Competition. I did this by becoming an Expert Columnist, several times over in popular magazines that my target market read.
- I even appeared on the leading News TV Show in the country AND even appeared on a 3-Part Reality TV Show about Success!
- Since then, I’ve been in over 67 Media Outlets, including magazines, TV Shows, blogs, websites and newspapers. All by following my sure-fire Media strategies.
- By gaining this Media Converge, I immediately set myself apart from the masses.
- I got free publicity and gained a ton of new leads and clients FAST and for free each time I was featured.
- No advertising or costs were required to catapult my business into the stratosphere. I didn’t spend a cent. Yet I gained MILLIONS in free advertising in this time.
- I created near-automated Online Programs (Look Forver30, SkinnyChick Challenge, WeightMastery Challenge) and ancillary products (Flat Belly Kitchen, 77 Tips, Hardcopy Books, DVD’s, Audio Subscriptions etc.) to sell so I didn’t have to work if I didn’t want to.
- I also created near-automated marketing and selling tools and systems that continually and perpetually worked for me and generated income while I was sleeping, or travelling, or just didn’t feel like working!
- I focused on Automation to leverage my time and get a better return for my efforts.
- I used Webinars in a very specific way to Perpetually and Successfully sell my Online weight loss Programs and products.
- Successfully Mastered how to Generate Free Leads using Specific and Proven Social Media Channels like Instagram and LinkedIn (Module #3 of Trifecta System)
- All this lead to my hubby and I being able to travel around the world, full-time, for the last 6 years. We run everything from our laptops, and spend only a few hours a week tweaking our current systems to hit our monthly income targets.
Now, I want the same for you!
Do you want to hit $10,000 per month, consistently in your Personal Training Business?
If you nodded ‘YES!’ to this, then you going to need to change a few things you currently do.
If you are relying on running Facebook Challenges/Groups to convert and gain new clients, then be prepared to play the LONG game.
Too many trainers are messaging me for help! They were ‘sold’ on the promise that running Facebook Challenges or Running Facebook Ads will make them 6-Figures.
Unfortunately, this has not been the case for many trainers.
Every PT and their dog are doing these Facebook Challenges /Groups and Running Similar Facebook Ads for their Online Programs.
The market is saturated with ‘Me-Too’, a.k.a Copy-Cat trainers who are all doing the same thing, especially in the eyes of potential clients@
For the love of ‘Gluten-Free, Sugar-Free, Chocolate Mini Cupcakes’, stop the MADNESS!
If you want to be a Successful Personal Trainer and Run a True Fitness Empire that could virtually grow without you running around, busy-busy, AND make 6-Figures, then you need to drastically change how you run your business…now.
Are you doing these things in your Business?
- You can Leverage your Message to a wider market, easily and effortlessly.
- You can establish yourself as the Expert in your niche to immediately Eliminate the Competition.
- You can gain Media Converge to set yourself apart from the masses
- You can gain free publicity to gain loads of new clients, FAST and for free.
- You can create near-automated Online Programs, and ancillary products to sell so you don’t have to do the work if you don’t want to. Nice to have a choice right.
- You can create near-automated marketing and selling tools and systems that continually and perpetually work for you, generating your income while you are sleeping (cliched, but absolutely possible!), on holiday, or just can’t be bothered working.
- You can Successfully Master how to Generate Free Leads using Social Media Channels
Are you currently doing all those above things?
If so, no need to read further!
Pat yourself on the back and keep doing your thing.
Not doing these things yet?
Well then, keep reading!
Introducing the ‘Ultimate FitPro Client Attractor Convertor Trifecta’ – Underground, Little-Known Secrets to Rapidly Attract, Convert, and Massively Profit as a Personal Trainer!
This Trifecta System can help you reach $10,000 / Month Without Busting your Butt, Getting on the Phone to Close, or Having to run low-rewarding and time-draining Facebook Challenges.
Imagine if you could hit your target of $10,000 per month, EVERY month.
Open you mind to the possibility. If I can hit it, so can you.
What would you do with this extra income?
Like most people, my hubby and I went a little crazy when we hit this target!
After making it consistently for a few months, we’ve eased back but treated ourselves a little more with this additional income.
Some of the things we do after hitting our monthly target.
- We hired a cleaner to come out each week and clean our house or apartment, while at home and while we travelled around the world.
- We’ve had a cleaner now for the last 8 years or so! It’s a real treat. I haven’t cleaned a toilet or scrubber a shower in so long.
- We get a massage and have a Spa Afternoon every 2 weeks.
- We get a fancy hotel room once a month and order room service. The works!
- We treat ourselves to a fancy dinner a couple times a month.
- We treat ourselves to fun, all-inclusive resorts every few months as we travel to celebrate anniversaries, special occasions and birthdays. We’re not into fancy cars or houses (anchors!), so we focus on experiences.
What would you do with some extra play money, all because you implemented a few NON-CONVENTIONAL and Little-Known and Used FitPro Strategies into your Business?!

I can teach you how to hit $10,000 / month by being SMART and Doing SMART things.
Forget working for peanuts or living the arduous and frustrating life of getting a drip-feed of new clients every so often.
Learn how to grow your business the SMART way and use Specific Strategies that Bring You Massive Results…. For Less Effort.
I guarantee it.
So, what do you need to do to start Generating $10,000 at least / month?
- Become the Expert in your Niche by Learning how to get Free Media Exposure (Module #1 on the Trifecta System)
- Learn how to Create, Set up and Run Profitable FitPro Webinars to sell to clients – there are a few differences between FitPro Webinars and General Webinars (Module #2 on the Trifecta System)
- Learn how to Rapidly Convert Clients using Webinars on an ongoing basis.
- Learn how to Use LinkedIn and Instagram to gain over 1000 free leads per month…..did I mention the word FREE? Forget costly advertising and use this often-overlooked social media channel to target your ideal client base (Module #3 on the Trifecta System)
All this is EASILY worth over $10,000!
You will generate 1000’s of free leads per month, saving $$thousands in advertising.
You will establish credibility, authority and immediately boost your conversion rates and income by getting yourself in the Media.
You will gain thousands of dollars in free exposure by working the Media the right way, saving yourself thousands in advertising and ad-hoc marketing.
Get all 3 Modules (#1 How to Gain Free Media and Publicity, #2 How to Create FitPro Webinars, #3 How to use Instagram and LinkedIn for Leads)
$1497 (Save $1000!)
Special Launch Price - $997
Trifecta Launched July 24th 2017
Or 2 payments of $797 (Fortnightly)
$2497 Usually. Price will increase from 29th July.
Imagine Being Able to Bring in 1000 new Leads Each Month…and Easily Convert Them With Your Automated Webinar System AND ‘Authority Booster’ Media Exposure?

The Good News Is
That Is Possible With...
The FitPro Client Attractor Convertor Trifecta

- It’s Easier than ever to become the Expert in your Niche with our Gain Media and Free Publicity Training Module.
- Create, Set up and Run Profitable FitPro Live and Automated Webinars to sell to clients – there are a few differences between FitPro Webinars and Run of the Mill Webinars.
- Learn how to Rapidly Convert Clients using our ‘Set and Forget’ Webinars system to generate income on an ongoing basis.
- Build your List FAST use our LinkedIn and Instagram training System to gain over 1000 free leads per month.
- Cut out all the Time, Expense and guesswork to make your first 6 Figures from your PT Business.
3 Simple Steps To Make Money
With The ‘Client Attractor Convertor Trifecta’Today…


Get Free Media Exposure and Publicity for your Business to Get Leads and Immediately Gain Credibility and Expert Status

Create Profitable FitPro Webinars in Just Hours, That Attracts Leads, Educates and ConvertsRapidly.
No Hard Sell Required…Ever.

Gain 1000 New Leads in Your Niche Using Specific and FREE Strategies on LinkedIn and Instagram to Rapidly Accelerate Your Business
When You Use Client
Attractor Convertor Trifecta…

Your Ability to Rapidly
Convert Will Go Up…

Your Income Will Go Up…

We’ve Perfected This Easy-to-Use System Over The Last 10 Years So You Have A Short Cut To Success…

- It’s easier than ever before to gain Free Media and Publicity for you and your Business, to rapidly boost your Credibility and Stand out in the Saturated FitPro Marketplace.
- Create an INFLUX of new leads from nationwide media exposure, and learn how to effectively convert the leads at a higher rate.
- You can monetize the leads you have by showcasing all your Media Exposure and Publicity
- Create Profitable and Converting Webinars, rapidly with the Template Provided. All without spending months figuring out how to structure and create a ‘watchable’ webinar!
- Build a lead list FAST using our Proven LinkedIn and Instagram Strategies that bring in over 1000 new leads per month. Send them down your sales funnel with Webinars, and Watch as your Conversion Rates Soar.
Just Look At The Potential Results You Could Have
If You Use The Trifecta System Today…