Get a lean slim belly with these super easy gluten free diet “cheats”!
From: Nalisha Patel
Exercise Physiologist & Personal Trainer.
My name is Nalisha Patel. I’ve made a few easy diet cheat sheets to help you achieve a sexy slim belly. They are full of easy actionable nutrition tips to help you achieve a sexy flat belly super quick.
Gluten free is the new trend for getting healthy. But unfortunately a lot of the ingredients used in Gluten Free foods can actually cause you to gain weight.
If you have celiac disease or just looking for simple gluten free diet tips to help you lose weight my cheat sheets may be able to help you out!
Losing weight does not have to be complicated. You don’t need hours at the gym or go on some fad diet eating cauliflower all day. Millions of women struggle with their weight every day, I’m here to tell you that it does not have to be this way.
By making some simple easy changes in your current gluten free diet you can start seeing results super quick.
Here’s a few “cheats” for you Right Now:
• Did you know that eating corn or any of its derivatives will cause you to gain weight?
If you are going Gluten Free this can be bad news for you as many Gluten Free products contain corn AKA: Maize, AKA corn flour. Your body turns the corn into sugar which causes an insulin spike making you feel more hungry and start craving more junky food. This is not what we want!
• Did you know eating chocolate can actually make you slimmer?
In a recent study a group of women were given a 100 grams of dark chocolate they were less interested in eating fatty, salty or sugary foods even up to 2 hours after consuming the dark chocolate. If you are struggling to lose weight my simple cheat sheets will help you by giving you fast action tips that you can start using right now.
If you liked these tips I’m sure you will love my easy gluten free diet cheat sheets.
Look, I’ve been studying advanced nutrition strategies for 16 years now. I’ve coached thousands of women all over the world to help them achieve the body they desire and lose weight. I would really like to help you out. But you are going to have to take little action to get off the ground.
Just enter you name and best email address in the form below and I will send you the first cheat sheet immediately to your email address. The next cheat will come a few days late as I do not want to overwhelm you: