Introducing Nalisha Patel's Flat Belly Kitchen Book - The Ultimate Gluten Free Weight Loss System
Before You Continue Reading....Here's A Quick Quiz For You!
Do you choose this ‘Fat Hoarding’ food......OR this ‘Fat Melting’ food instead?
Margarine Or Butter.....Guess which one Helps You Melt Belly Fat!
The wrong choice will sabotage your efforts to get a Flatter Belly.
Do You Know the difference? If not, please read on….
Here's Another Quick Question....Do You Think Products Containing this Ingredient are good for you?
Think again! Discover the other common foods that are SABOTAGING YOU and making you Fatter without you intending them to.
Dear Friend
Just in case we have not met, my name is Nalisha Patel. I would like to introduce you to my New Advance Nutrition System....FLAT BELLY KITCHEN.
If you are shocked to see that the humble Corn is not a good food choice if you desire a flat belly, then be prepared to be even more shocked as you read through the ‘Flat Belly Kitchen’!
Finally learn which foods are ‘Fat Hoarders’ and which foods are ‘Fat Melters’!
Do you have these S0-Called ‘healthy’ foods stocked in your cupboards right now?
- Vegetable oils
- Non-white bread
- Certain foods to reduce calories
- Substitutes to replace sugar
Um…not so fast! Some of the items you think are healthy are…well…making you FAT and making you really UNHEALTHY!
If you have done one of my other Weight loss programs then you will have a basic understanding of what makes up a good diet.
As the programs are packed to the brink already, I couldn’t quite cram in all these extra ‘must know’ nutrition secrets that I really want to share with you to really accelerate your results.
Calories in, Calories out....The Biggest Weight Loss Scam Ever
I’m sure you have heard the saying ‘Calories in (diet) must be less than Calories out (exercise and activity) if you want to lose weight.’
Most people when they start a diet program drastically reduce their calorie intake in hopes of losing that dreaded extra fat. What happens though? They lose some ‘weight’ on the scales for a short period of time and then when they go back to eating normally (which they always have to do), they gain back all that extra weight they lost.
I will let you in on a secret; that extra ‘weight’ that was lost is really water weight NOT FAT. As you drastically reduce your calorie intake, your body goes into frantic survival mode and does all it can to help you function. It starts using your precious, precious (did I mention precious?) muscle to keep your body functioning.
You drop water weight AND lose precious (precious) muscle all because you decided to cut calories to lose weight, yet you DON’T permanently lose any FAT…. and if anything, you gain back more weight than you started with. Consider it your body’s way of saying ‘stuff you’ for freaking me out!
What a waste of effort, time and unnecessary stress on your complex and delicate body.
So what is the solution?
I will teach you the ‘one’ concept you need to know to ensure you eat for a healthier body and a flatter tum. Trust me, it’s downright easy, and once you know it, you know it for life. Paired with the right type of exercise to conserve Precious muscle, you can burn fat AND keep it off for good.
What about just eating Healthier?
So, we now know that cutting calories is not the way to losing weight.
Many of us do have a fair idea on what classifies as ‘Healthy Food.’
I’m sure you have heard the saying ‘Calories in (diet) must be less than Calories out (exercise and activity) if you want to lose weight.’
Most people when they start a diet program drastically reduce their calorie intake in hopes of losing that dreaded extra fat. What happens though? They lose some ‘weight’ on the scales for a short period of time and then when they go back to eating normally (which they always have to do), they gain back all that extra weight they lost.
I will let you in on a secret; that extra ‘weight’ that was lost is really water weight NOT FAT. As you drastically reduce your calorie intake, your body goes into frantic survival mode and does all it can to help you function. It starts using your precious, precious (did I mention precious?) muscle to keep your body functioning.
You drop water weight AND lose precious (precious) muscle all because you decided to cut calories to lose weight, yet you DON’T permanently lose any FAT…. and if anything, you gain back more weight than you started with. Consider it your body’s way of saying ‘stuff you’ for freaking me out!
The 5 Biggest Challenges Most People Have Trying to Eat Healthy Gluten Free
- Choosing the right items off the shelf based on what the labels say i.e. marketing hype.
- Knowing whether butter or margarine is good for you.
- Eating certain popular vegetables thinking they are good for you YET they are potentially making you fatter!
- Thinking all fat is bad so you avoid it yet still gain or fail to lose weight.
- Being misled into thinking certain ‘it’ products are healthy when they are really loaded with sugar, fat and unnecessary additives.
The problem is; we have been misled by industry heavyweights on what constitutes a healthy diet.
It’s in their best interest to have us consume their foods, even though they may not be good for us!
It angers me and I hope it angers you too so you desire to learn more about what you are putting into your gorgeous body.
So what is the solution and how can you FINALLY learn to eat Gluten Free to Melt Belly Fat and Feel Healthier?
Have you heard the saying ‘Knowledge is power’?
I believe more in the saying ‘Knowledge is power, coupled with ACTION!’
If you want to really overhaul your nutrition to ensure you create the best possible body for YOU, you need to get educated. It’s that simple. Once you know how to eat right, which foods to avoid, and which to stock up on, that’s it; you know it for life!
Health and wellness research and findings change as fast as Kim Kardashian calling off her marriage!
Sorry, couldn’t resist the cheap joke! It’s so important that you learn from those experts who stay educated themselves.
In my experience, many 'experts' keep reciting the food pyramid and suggest you load up on all the so called healthy foods that you already have knowledge of! You can count calories and tweak your carb versus fat versus protein intake until the cows come home, but if you consume ‘these’ known foods which HOARD fat, then sorry, it’s all in vain.
Here's what you will discover on my FLAT BELLY KITCHEN Gluten Free Weight Loss System
Below is a small sample of what I will be covering on the Flat Belly Kitchen Gluten-Free Weight Loss Program
- The secret to banishing calorie counting and actually eliminate cravings.
- The truth about so called ‘healthy’ whole meal and brown breads that are put on a pedestal over white bread.
- The truth about Omega 3 fats: Omega-3’s and Omega 6’s – something you need to know if you want to design a healthy body and a flatter tummy.
- A MUST know nutritional concept that will actually change the way you view food FOREVER!
- Why an apple a certain way and an apple like ‘this’ are NOT the same thing and how one way is more harmful to your body than the other!
- Learn about these ‘similar’ foods that are radically different once you consume them.
- How "this" harmless fat has been made out as villain, when really it is good for you!
- Why this ingredient in SO many foods is SO bad for your belly! I can almost guarantee you have ‘this’ in your pantry right now!
- Learn how these so called healthy oils are wreaking havoc on your body.
- Throw out the sugar and replace it with ‘this’ must have item! Your body will thank you for it and reward you with a flatter belly!
- Learn once and for all how to actually read packets to ensure you are not being DUPED by clever marketing whose sole aim is to have you buy their product, even if it’s to the detriment of your body!
- And Learn Much, Much More….!
But Wait!....You Also Get My Advanced Nutrition Make-Over Book!
There was just so much more practical and easy to follow tips that I wanted to teach you in the Flat Belly Kitchen Program that I could not possibly fit in more....Instead I decided to create a whole new book which I would also like to give you the option of purchasing as well.
- How this type of drink can speed up your metabolism and help you lose weight. This tip is too easy and tasty!
- Learn the no-fuss topping to add to most foods to boost your fiber intake and help curb cravings.
- Learn how to snack on this to reduce cravings and out of control hunger that leads to poor choices.
- Learn to replace this type of Milk with ‘THIS’ type of milk. Contrary to popular belief, one of these is wreaking havoc on your body and HELPING you retain fat!
- And loads more nutrition secrets that will help you permanently melt belly fat and transform your body and health for good! And loads more nutrition secrets that will help you permanently melt belly fat and transform your body and health for good!
You will want to get your hands on this booklet at this never to be repeated again offer!
6 months from now you could actually be rocking a flatter stomach, feeling more energetic and looking fantastic!
Or you could be sabotaging your weight loss efforts by eating Fat Hoarding foods that dominate the supermarket shelves.
So How Much Is the Flat Belly Kitchen System Worth To You Including My Advanced Nutrition Make Over Book?
To be honest, you could hire a nutritionist to help you with your diet. Last time I checked, they charge out at about $100 per hour for some consulting advice, which does need to be ongoing (with ongoing fees). Some require you to commit to a program for about 12 weeks, which would cost you over $1200!
If you do go this route, make sure they are top notch and constantly educate themselves on the latest research, as mentioned above, it's always changing.
The information I provide in my tested, proven 'Flat Belly Kitchen' program could easily sell for over $1200.00.
But I am not going to sell this package for $1200. That would not be fair! I know that many reading this right now want it but the price will determine if they get access to it. There is no need to worry. I know that at $1200.00 it would be out of reach for many people.
Who can afford to fork out $1200 for an advanced nutrition program that’s been guaranteed to accelerate Fat Burning and help you actually get into the Best Shape of your life? Help you sleep better, reduce your stress levels and achieve that Flat Toned Belly you have been dreaming about.
I Personally Guarantee that you will Start Seeing Results in the First 30 Days of using just a few of the Secrets From My Flat Belly Kitchen System.
However If you feel you get no value or benefit from this program after a WHOLE 60 Days of using & implementing everything in your daily life...just let us know and we will happily give you a full refund! If any physical products or bonuses are provided they will need to be returned.
Order Flat Belly Kitchen Now - Banish your fat, not your cash!
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